Bergstrom Mfg has developed a new product called the PinCaddie™. This product will make it easy to remove your golf ball from the hole after putting with the pin in. The rule change last year allows golfers to keep the pin in while putting with no penalty. It is a great rule but the feedback we have been getting from golf courses and superintendents is that there has been increased damage to the cup/hole because there is not as much room in the cup and the act of removing your ball increases damage on the edges and around the cup.
The PinCaddie™ helps keep the cup area damage free and increases pace of play by making it effortless to remove your ball from the hole. It is cost effective, durable and easy to install.
View Installation Instructions
The cost is $70 for 20 (30-day trial available). We also sell in packs of 10 if you have a 9 or 27 hole course.
Purchase today from Bergstrom
We feel golfers, superintendents, and golf pros will love this product and it will be a nice talking point on the golf course while adding to the golf experience. It will give players another reason to leave the pin in while putting. The PinCaddie™ will make a great addition to any golf course!
Give this product a try on your golf course! We stand behind our product 100%.